take your training to the next level and eat like the athlete you are
If there’s one thing I’ve come to realize in my years of training and coaching, it’s that you can’t outwork a poor diet. This comes from first hand experience. I would absolutely demolish myself in the gym and then go home and eat an entire box of pasta (spoiler alert for all those interested in nutrition coaching: pasta isn’t inherently good or bad!). Later that night, after the pasta, I’d have half a family size container of Oreos. Then, later on, when I felt peckish, I’d order some grilled chicken wings and fries.
There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so
Here’s the other big thing: there are no good and bad foods. We have enough “morality” to think about in our lives, why add food to the mix. There is also no such thing as a “perfect diet.” Just because your cousin decided to go full keto (and loves it) doesn’t mean you have to.
Even me mentioning the foods above: pasta, oreos, chicken wings and fries – none of them are good or bad. I still eat them now! That’s the beauty of nutrition coaching: we make a system that works for you.
if Nutrition Coaching were going to be easy, what would it look like?
Together, you and I will collaborate on the best plan for you. If you enjoy paleo: awesome! If you’re vegetarian or vegan: fantastic! If you prefer balanced dieting with the occasional treat: I’m all about it! Let’s figure out the best system for you, because consistency is where your goals become reality. You can have the “best” plan macro’d out to the hundredth decimal place, but if you’re unable to adhere to it – who gives a crap?